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Heart Health Supplements

Heart Health Supplements We Manufacture:

  • B Vitamins
  • Berberine
  • CoQ10
  • L-Arginine
  • NAD+
  • Nitric Oxide
  • Omegas
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Thyroid Support
  • Vitamin K
  • and many more

Heart Health Supplements Manufacturing

Heart health is by far one of the most critical areas of supplemental focus we have at BL Bio Lab. When the human body is consuming natural chemical compounds and powerful antioxidants, we may reduce the risk of heart related diseases and issues. These compounds are not only created in our bodies, but are also consumed it in our diets based on the foods we eat or supplements we take day to day.

Private Label Heart Health Supplement ManufacturingWhen a supplement brand focuses on providing a strong heart health product they know that they are focusing and investing on the cornerstone of overall good health. According to the CDC, Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. (1) One person dies every 37 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. (1) About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. (2,3)

The majority of heart health products assist with issues related to heart disease, supporting compromised immune systems, combating fatigue, and protecting our system from potential heart-related damage. Heart Health supplements combine the essential, natural ingredients that may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke when combined with proper lifestyle management and diagnostic testing.

The harmful effects of high blood pressure manifest in conditions from heart attacks to strokes to renal failure. Gone unchecked and untreated, it can produce irreversible outcomes. Diets which include foods rich in inorganic nitrates that are low in sodium are staples of a heart-healthy regimen. If one does not in-take these natural foods on a regular basis, supplementation is a the key solution to mitigating this critical issue.

About Our Manufacturing Process

BL Bio Lab Heart Health Supplement Manufacturing products may stimulate the immune system and assist with cardiac function. The raw materials used in the creation of all private label supplements [heart health related products] at BL Bio Lab are treated with the upmost care in their creation and manufacturing.

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Heart Health Supplements


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. Heron, M. Deaths: Leading causes for 2017 pdf icon
    [PDF – 3 M]
    . National Vital Statistics Reports;68(6). Accessed November 19, 2019.
  2. Benjamin EJ, Muntner P, Alonso A, Bittencourt MS, Callaway CW, Carson AP, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics—2019 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2019;139(10):e56–528.
  3. Fryar CD, Chen T-C, Li X. Prevalence of uncontrolled risk factors for cardiovascular disease: United States, 1999–2010 pdf icon
    . NCHS data brief, no. 103. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics; 2012. Accessed May 9, 2019.